Today, my mailbox gave me the latest edition of the VISUAL ARTS JOURNAL (Spring/Summer 2022). The publication gave me and THE SWORD OF EDEN a nice mention in the “Alumni Notes & Exhibitions,” which I always appreciate.
I’m always happy to receive this free SVA alumni publication. But, I usually have mixed feelings about the publication. The VISUAL ARTS JOURNAL is always nicely produced. However, the publication is always far too Woke, Liberal, and gay for my interests.
In regards to the nice mention…
Diamond Comic Distributors has solicited THE SWORD OF EDEN graphic novel (SEP211637) in their September issue of PREVIEWS. The graphic novel has now arrived to finer comic book stores…
For more info and other ways to purchase THE SWORD OF EDEN graphic novel, visit…
And my interview with the Christian Comic Arts Society has been posted on YouTube...
#sva #visualartsjournal #theswordofeden #anactoffaithcomic #comics #graphicnovels #SequentialArt #SunyOrange #OCCC #suny #College #Comics #WokeEd #IsCollegeWorthIt #FreeSpeech #Socialism #Marxism #Marxistfeminism #MakeComicsGreatAgain #JesusMatters
I added some original Archie Comics artwork to my online store:
#theswordofeden #theswordofedenshinobi #anactoffaithcomic #comics #graphicnovels #SequentialArt #creatorsrights #selfpublishing #comicbookstore #comicbookstores #Christianbookstore #Christianbookstores #ChristianityandComics #christiancomics #everythingchristian #Trump #Trump2024 #MakeComicsGreatAgain #JesusMatters
The iShook guys chatting with Doug TenNapel, Mike Baron, and myself:
#Christmas #christmas2024 #theswordofeden #theswordofedenshinobi #anactoffaithcomic #comics #graphicnovels #SequentialArt #creatorsrights #selfpublishing #comicbookstore #comicbookstores #Christianbookstore #Christianbookstores #ChristianityandComics #christiancomics #everythingchristian #Trump #Trump2024 #MakeComicsGreatAgain #JesusMatters
Here's a few panels from the third volume in THE SWORD OF EDEN graphic novel series, THE SWORD OF EDEN: CRY VAMPYRE. (Don't mind the crummy borders. I'll fix those in Photoshop.)
Volumes one and two of my Christian graphic novels, THE SWORD OF EDEN and THE SWORD OF EDEN: SHINOBI, are on sale at my Messianic Comics online store. All copies will be signed:
Also, check out the new short Christmas video I made to promote the series:
#Christmas #christmas2024 #theswordofeden #theswordofedenshinobi #anactoffaithcomic #comics #graphicnovels #SequentialArt #creatorsrights #selfpublishing #comicbookstore #comicbookstores #Christianbookstore #Christianbookstores #ChristianityandComics #christiancomics #everythingchristian #Trump #Trump2024 #MakeComicsGreatAgain #JesusMatters