The Sword of Eden
Art • Books • Spirituality/Belief
THE SWORD OF EDEN introduces Rebecca Stern as she begins her career as a super-hero. What will happen when she joins forces with Nemish-Man, Kid-Cockroach and Professor Jack in retrieving the Sword of Eden. In their adventures, our heroes battle demons, zombies, ninja, and other super-villains. And how will these super-heroes cope when they must combat mythological villains such as Count Orlok or the Green Knight? If that ain’t enough, will our heroes be capable of locating Noah’s Ark?
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Stop wasting your money on gay, woke corporate-owned comic books and other such entertainment...

(Making comics...)

You remember when comic books were fun? When they weren't so perverted? Before the Joker was pregnant? Before our favorite heroes turned gay, or trans, or being otherwise gender confused? Before She-Hulk was looking like a dude? Before Marvel’s X-Men was saying that Jesus is a mutant?

You remember when comic books weren’t so Anti-American and Anti-Christian?

You remember when corporate-owned comic book publishers weren’t so woke? Before they were trying to indoctrinate readers with their Marxist-feminist craziness? Before they started hiring based on identity politics? Before they engaged in cancel culture?

If you're tired of vile, satanic, SJW entertainment and comics (as I am), then please support creator-owned comics and graphic novels. There are some of us that are creating non-woke content, conservative content, Christian content...

The first volume of THE SWORD OF EDEN graphic novel can be purchased...

On eBay:

Or through my online store (using PayPal, as well):

Or on Amazon:

Such sales of THE SWORD OF EDEN sold through me will be signed and have some extra signed goodies, as well.

Stop wasting your money on gay, woke corporate-owned comic books and other such entertainment.

#theswordofeden #comics #graphicnovels #SequentialArt #comicbookstore #comicbookstores #Christianbookstore #Christianbookstores #ChristianityandComics #christiancomics #everythingchristian #FreeSpeech #GenderIsAFACT #Woke #GenderConfusion #GenderConfusion #GenderIsAFACT #Shehulk #Disney #Marvel #MarvelStudios #MarvelComics #SJW #democrats #Socialism #Marxism #Marxistfeminism #batman #Joker #DCEntertainment #DCComics #cancelculture #censorship #WokeComics #HateComics #MAGA #Trump2024 #MakeComicsGreatAgain #JesusMatters

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I added some original Archie Comics artwork to my online store...

I added some original Archie Comics artwork to my online store:

#theswordofeden #theswordofedenshinobi #anactoffaithcomic #comics #graphicnovels #SequentialArt #creatorsrights #selfpublishing #comicbookstore #comicbookstores #Christianbookstore #Christianbookstores #ChristianityandComics #christiancomics #everythingchristian #Trump #Trump2024 #MakeComicsGreatAgain #JesusMatters

The iShook guys chatting with Doug TenNapel, Mike Baron, and myself:

The iShook guys chatting with Doug TenNapel, Mike Baron, and myself:

#Christmas #christmas2024 #theswordofeden #theswordofedenshinobi #anactoffaithcomic #comics #graphicnovels #SequentialArt #creatorsrights #selfpublishing #comicbookstore #comicbookstores #Christianbookstore #Christianbookstores #ChristianityandComics #christiancomics #everythingchristian #Trump #Trump2024 #MakeComicsGreatAgain #JesusMatters


Here's a few panels from the third volume in THE SWORD OF EDEN graphic novel series, THE SWORD OF EDEN: CRY VAMPYRE. (Don't mind the crummy borders. I'll fix those in Photoshop.)

Volumes one and two of my Christian graphic novels, THE SWORD OF EDEN and THE SWORD OF EDEN: SHINOBI, are on sale at my Messianic Comics online store. All copies will be signed:

Also, check out the new short Christmas video I made to promote the series:

#Christmas #christmas2024 #theswordofeden #theswordofedenshinobi #anactoffaithcomic #comics #graphicnovels #SequentialArt #creatorsrights #selfpublishing #comicbookstore #comicbookstores #Christianbookstore #Christianbookstores #ChristianityandComics #christiancomics #everythingchristian #Trump #Trump2024 #MakeComicsGreatAgain #JesusMatters

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