The Sword of Eden
Art • Books • Spirituality/Belief
THE SWORD OF EDEN introduces Rebecca Stern as she begins her career as a super-hero. What will happen when she joins forces with Nemish-Man, Kid-Cockroach and Professor Jack in retrieving the Sword of Eden. In their adventures, our heroes battle demons, zombies, ninja, and other super-villains. And how will these super-heroes cope when they must combat mythological villains such as Count Orlok or the Green Knight? If that ain’t enough, will our heroes be capable of locating Noah’s Ark?
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Will Eisner: "I think comic books are far more than two mutants trashing each other."

In 2004, I was interviewed for a paper on Will Eisner. I have no idea what happened to the paper.

Interviewer: What made or still makes Will Eisner so unique and compelling to you as a comic book artist?

Al: People always talk about Will Eisner’s great storytelling ability. And they are correct. Will was a master at telling a story through comics. He always had a way of conveying a compelling story in a very concise and visually appealing way. Will’s artwork and panel layout never confused the reader. Will’s comics also had a certain amount of intelligence to them. They weren’t just goofy stories for kids. His characters were incredibly complex and likeable. I’ve told this a few times already, but my earliest memory as a student of Will Eisner was when he once said in class (September 1986): "I think comic books are far more than two mutants trashing each other."

Interviewer: Of the comic characters Will created, which 2 are your favorite and please say why for each one named?

Al: I remain a huge fan of Will’s THE SPIRIT. Those comics still hold up today… especially the Kitchen Sink Press issues from the 1980s. So, the Spirit is one of my favorites of Will’s characters. The Spirit had no cape or super-powers, but he was still a true hero. He was strong and tough. The Spirit knew how to kick butt, and he took his lumps, as well. I also like Will’s portrayal of "Billy" in his semi-autobiographical THE DREAMER. This graphic novel is my absolute favorite of Will’s work. Reading the book, I very much felt what it was like for Billy Eyron as a struggling cartoonist in New York during the 1930’s. Plus, Will’s artwork in THE DREAMER was spectacular… especially his inking.

Interviewer: Irrespective whether you greatly loved, or have a great deal of animosity towards Frank Miller's recent film The Spirit, in the scene when Silken Floss (Scarlett Johansson) meets The Spirit in the alleyway (to set him up so The Octopus can nab him), what different and much more humorously wittier dialogue would you have preferred her to have said to The Spirit (instead of what she says to him in the film). Don't worry if you haven't even seen the film, still try answering if possible. Keeping in mind I didn't like The Spirit film much myself, so please refrain from saying something nasty about Frank Miller in your answer.

Al: To be honest, I have no idea how I would rewrite Scarlett Johansson’s dialogue in THE SPIRIT film. I found her acting a bit difficult to watch. Johansson should have just kept silent and stood around looking gorgeous during the whole film. As you might imagine, I was disappointed with Frank Miller’s THE SPIRIT.

#WillEisner #WillEisnerWeek #SVA #comics #graphicnovels #SequentialArt #MakeComicsGreatAgain

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Here's a few panels from the third volume in THE SWORD OF EDEN graphic novel series, THE SWORD OF EDEN: CRY VAMPYRE. (Don't mind the crummy borders. I'll fix those in Photoshop.)

Volumes one and two of my Christian graphic novels, THE SWORD OF EDEN and THE SWORD OF EDEN: SHINOBI, are on sale at my Messianic Comics online store. All copies will be signed:

Also, check out the new short Christmas video I made to promote the series:

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