The Sword of Eden
Art • Books • Spirituality/Belief
THE SWORD OF EDEN introduces Rebecca Stern as she begins her career as a super-hero. What will happen when she joins forces with Nemish-Man, Kid-Cockroach and Professor Jack in retrieving the Sword of Eden. In their adventures, our heroes battle demons, zombies, ninja, and other super-villains. And how will these super-heroes cope when they must combat mythological villains such as Count Orlok or the Green Knight? If that ain’t enough, will our heroes be capable of locating Noah’s Ark?
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“What does HE want!?!”

I was an inker for Archie Publications from 2002 until 2010.

I was reminded of a kinda funny story. While working for Archie Comics, for the first few years, the publisher would pay me a Christmas bonus. (Of course, they were not obligated to do so, but it was a nice gesture that I did appreciate.) One year, Archie Comics stopped sending me a Christmas bonus. I thought that was kinda odd. Maybe the check got lost in the mail? I called one of my fellow Archie Comics freelancers, and he did get his Christmas bonus. Again, kinda odd.

I called Archie Comics’ payroll department to find out the skinny. Someone answered the phone. I told the fella who I was. He yelled to someone else in the room: "It's Al Nickerson!" The second person responded loudly: “What does HE want!?!”

I thought that that was funny.

But, yeah, for whatever reason, Archie Comics had decided to stopped mailing me a Christmas bonus for the last several years that I was an inker for the publisher. No big deal, of course. I just thought that their response was funny.

“What does HE want!?!”


That’s work-for-hire for ya.

#ArchieComics #creatorsrights #comics #graphicnovels #SequentialArt #MakeComicsGreatAgain

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I added some original Archie Comics artwork to my online store...

I added some original Archie Comics artwork to my online store:

#theswordofeden #theswordofedenshinobi #anactoffaithcomic #comics #graphicnovels #SequentialArt #creatorsrights #selfpublishing #comicbookstore #comicbookstores #Christianbookstore #Christianbookstores #ChristianityandComics #christiancomics #everythingchristian #Trump #Trump2024 #MakeComicsGreatAgain #JesusMatters

The iShook guys chatting with Doug TenNapel, Mike Baron, and myself:

The iShook guys chatting with Doug TenNapel, Mike Baron, and myself:

#Christmas #christmas2024 #theswordofeden #theswordofedenshinobi #anactoffaithcomic #comics #graphicnovels #SequentialArt #creatorsrights #selfpublishing #comicbookstore #comicbookstores #Christianbookstore #Christianbookstores #ChristianityandComics #christiancomics #everythingchristian #Trump #Trump2024 #MakeComicsGreatAgain #JesusMatters


Here's a few panels from the third volume in THE SWORD OF EDEN graphic novel series, THE SWORD OF EDEN: CRY VAMPYRE. (Don't mind the crummy borders. I'll fix those in Photoshop.)

Volumes one and two of my Christian graphic novels, THE SWORD OF EDEN and THE SWORD OF EDEN: SHINOBI, are on sale at my Messianic Comics online store. All copies will be signed:

Also, check out the new short Christmas video I made to promote the series:

#Christmas #christmas2024 #theswordofeden #theswordofedenshinobi #anactoffaithcomic #comics #graphicnovels #SequentialArt #creatorsrights #selfpublishing #comicbookstore #comicbookstores #Christianbookstore #Christianbookstores #ChristianityandComics #christiancomics #everythingchristian #Trump #Trump2024 #MakeComicsGreatAgain #JesusMatters

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